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ASSAY DEVELOPMENT IKOSATEC develop rapid, sensitive and robust assays for the screening of library of any desired size using advanced techniques for gene synthesis, gene expression, protein purification and protein engineering in the broadest sense. IKOSATEC offers a technology for assaying oxygen-sensitive molecular targets. That pipeline involves a coherent chain of technologies for anaerobic production and handling of even highly oxygen-sensitive proteins and their use for HTS under strictly anaerobic conditions. IKOSATEC has the equipment and expertise to run end-point as well as dynamically monitored screens for compound libraries of any desired size. We have a preference for dynamic monitoring which can provide higher quality data as compared to end-point assays. Our dynamic assays are monitored and interpreted using our proprietory software. |
phone: 0049-40-428384359 (hamburg) - 0049-89-3204456 (garching) - mobile: 0049-170-2208573 (prof. fischer) - 0049-171-2890134 (prof. bacher) - FAX: 0049-40-428384342 (hamburg) |