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Prof. Dr. Dr. Adelbert Bacher

Prof. Bacher is co-founder of IKOSATEC. He obtained his PhD and MD degrees at the University of Tübingen. He served as Associate Professor of Microbiology at the University of Frankfurt and was Professor of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich until 2007.

Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer

Prof. Fischer is co-founder of IKOSATEC. He, habilitated in Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, was appointed as the director of the Institute of Food Chemistry at the University of Hamburg in 2006. From 2004-2006, he was scientific consultant of Sloning Biotechnology, a company specialized in de novo gene synthesis. From 2002 to 2006 he was a member of the lecturer team at the German Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Singapore.

His fields of interest are all strongly related to Food-Biochemistry. Prof. Fischer´s research deals with the characterization of biochemical reactions, mainly of vitamin pathways, at the level of genes, proteins, metabolites and mechanisms. The development of drugs and evaluation of drug targets are major objects of the group. The food chemistry division is engaged in the development of DNA/RNA-based methods for the detection, differentiation and identification of foodstuffs, additives, and processing aids.


phone: 0049-40-428384359 (hamburg)  -  0049-89-3204456 (garching)  -  mobile: 0049-170-2208573 (prof. fischer)  -  0049-171-2890134 (prof. bacher)  -  FAX: 0049-40-428384342 (hamburg)